
Auto Accident Injury Law Articles

stay-safe-on-the-roads-this-holiday-season Michael Babboni Jan/04/2018 Michael Babboni

Stay Safe On The Roads This Holiday Season

The holiday season is the most dangerous time to be on the road. In fact, during the holidays according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), traffic accidents increase between 18-27% over the holidays. With more chance of ve...

what-is-pip-insurance Michael Babboni Jan/02/2018 Michael Babboni

What is PIP Insurance?

PIP stands for personal insurance protection or personal injury protection. It is typically an extension of your car insurance that will help cover medical expenses and sometimes lost wages. It has also been known as no-fault coverage because it has...

texting-and-driving-in-florida Michael Babboni Dec/28/2017 Michael Babboni

Texting and Driving in Florida

Florida remains just one of four states that consider texting and driving to be only a secondary offense. Meaning, if law enforcement officers see you texting and driving, they cannot legally pull you over unless you are breaking another law as well....

steps-to-follow-after-an-automobile-accident Michael Babboni Dec/27/2017 Michael Babboni

Steps to Follow After an Automobile Accident

So, you have been involved in a car accident and suffered damage to your vehicle as well as injuries. You called the police to come out and file a police report and you have been treated for your injuries following your accident. What’s left to do?...

how-a-lawyer-can-help-with-insurance-claims Michael Babboni Dec/25/2017 Michael Babboni

How A Lawyer Can Help with Insurance Claims

If you have recently been denied a claim through the insurance company but feel that you are entitled to a fair settlement, then an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer may be able to help you. How do you know when to call a lawyer? If you are experi...

contact-an-auto-accident-lawyer-for-these-reasons Michael Babboni Dec/13/2017 Michael Babboni

Contact An Auto Accident Lawyer For These Reasons

Most people get up every morning and head off to work. Even if they hate their employer, they still trudge along each day providing reliable service. Some individuals do it to gain accolades like promotions, while others see working as a necessary ta...

everything-you-need-to-know-about-whiplash-injuries Michael Babboni Dec/04/2017 Michael Babboni

Everything You Need To Know About Whiplash Injuries

There are many serious injuries that can occur after an accident. One of the most common is the soft tissue injury whiplash. Sadly, many people underestimate the severity of this painful injury because of pop culture references that infer whiplash is...

hey-im-walking-here-pedestrian-accidents Michael Babboni Nov/28/2017 Michael Babboni

Hey, I’m Walking Here! Pedestrian Accidents

It was a nice day while it lasted. The Florida sun was shining, the air was fresh and warm, and you were really enjoying that long walk that your doctor suggested you take. Just as you stepped off the curb into the crosswalk, it all went black. You d...

505 - 516 of 675 posts