
Who Is At Fault In A Roundabout Accident?

As our city expands, we are starting to see more and more roundabouts being built. Experts believe that roundabouts create a better flow of traffic, leading to fewer accidents than traditional intersections. This is great news for Florida drivers as the roads will be much safer.

However, though roundabouts do reduce the number of accidents, it is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of them occurring. In those cases, it can be difficult to determine who is at fault for the accident, but an accident attorney can help.

Understanding The Rules Of Driving Through A Roundabout

Roundabouts have been in Europe for decades, but they are relatively new to the United States. They are also still pretty rare nowadays. That is why many drivers are confused about what they are supposed to do in a roundabout. Here are the basic rules:

• Drivers are to slow down as they approach the roundabout.
• Drivers are required to yield the road to any pedestrians.
• Use your signal like you would in any intersection to communicate your intent.
• Get into the correct lane for the direction you are driving.
• Yield to oncoming traffic before entering the roundabout.
• Do not stop in the roundabout.
• Stay in your lane until you exit.
• Follow the directions of all posted signage.

Make sure that you always follow those rules when driving through a roundabout. That way, if you are in an accident, it is easier to determine fault.

How To Determine Fault In A Roundabout Accident

Determining fault in a roundabout accident is similar to determining fault in any other accident. First, you must prove that the accident took place. Then, you have to prove that the accident caused damages, which include both injuries and property damage. Finally, you should prove that a person caused the accident by being negligent in their duty as a driver.

When it comes to a roundabout accident, you have to prove that the other driver was negligent in driving correctly on the roundabout and ultimately caused the accident.

How Florida State Law Impacts Fault In Roundabout Cases

Florida law uses a system of comparative fault in determining who caused the accident. That means that courts will look at the full details of the accident and assign fault based on percentages. In a roundabout accident, they will not just look at the actions of the other driver. They will also look at yours and determine if you were driving correctly in the roundabout. This is why it is critical for you to understand how to drive in a roundabout correctly in case there is ever an accident. For example, if the other driver did not yield the right of way to you and hit you, they will be at fault. However, if you were changing lanes at the time, you will also be considered at fault.

How An Attorney Can Help Determine Fault

Since the laws surrounding fault are so complicated in Florida, you should work with an attorney after a roundabout accident occurs. Since the rules and guidelines concerning roundabouts are relatively new, it can be a bit more challenging to determine fault. However, an attorney will review your case and help you determine what evidence you need to provide to show the courts that not only did the other driver cause the accident but you were following the rules of the road as well.

The St. Pete Lawyer, Michael Babboni, can help you pursue your claim. He has successfully defended victims of roundabout accidents and helped them prove the other driver was at fault for what happened. If you have gotten into in a roundabout accident, give him a call at 1-727-381-9200. We will review your case for free and answer any questions about how Michael Babboni will fight to protect your rights.