What You Need to Know About Pedestrian Safety

In the year 2015, it was reported that a staggering 5,376 deaths in the United States involved pedestrians. This number is up by thousands from the previous year. It is also said that on average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in traffic crashes.
Therefore, it is important to raise awareness about the dangers that pedestrians and bicyclists face, so we can help avoid tragic accidents in the future.
Pedestrian Safety Practices for Walkers
When you are a pedestrian, you should always remain visible to drivers. It is also advised that you make eye contact with them whenever it is possible, so they know you are there. If it is dark, you should wear clothing that illuminates yourself such as lightly colored and reflective clothing. During the day, brightly colored clothing will help enhance visibility as well.
Next, always stay alert and avoid any distractions. Just like you would put your phone down while driving, you should also put it down while walking. Stay alert and watch the cars around you.
Follow all the rules of the road as well. Cross at crosswalks when it says it is safe to cross, stay in well-lit areas, and keep to the sidewalks as much as possible. You will also want to try and avoid any busy roadways or highways where pedestrians are clearly prohibited.
Pedestrian Safety Practices for Drivers
Drivers should also stay alert and watch for pedestrians at all times. Follow all posted speed limit signs, obey traffic laws, and use caution when you come to crosswalks. Always be mindful of pedestrians in the area, especially if you are backing up or making a turn. In adverse weather conditions, be sure that you have your lights on and you are properly using your signals.
Yield for pedestrians in crosswalks and reduce your speed and be prepared to stop as you approach a crosswalk. Then allow enough space to safely allow the pedestrians to pass.
Bicyclist Safety
Bicyclists accounted for approximately two percent of all traffic deaths in 2014. Most of these fatalities also occurred when it was dark outside between the hours of six and nine pm. Many of these accidents can be avoided if proper care and attention is taken by both drivers and bicyclists alike.
If you ride a bicycle, you should always wear a helmet. Maintain a proper fit for the helmet as well or it won’t do you any good. Take the time to properly fit and size the helmet according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Always ride responsibly. In most states, bicyclists must follow all the same rules as drivers. Meaning, ride with the flow of traffic, stop for red lights and stop signs, and obey all other street signs, markings, and signals.
You should also always assume that the motorists don’t see you, so watch for hazards and potential dangers so that you can avoid any bad situations. Finally, refrain from texting, talking on the phone, wearing headphones, or anything else that may distract you or cause you to lose focus on what is happening around you.
By following a few simple rules, we can increase the safety of everyone on the road.
However, accidents do happen. If you are a pedestrian and have been involved in an accident, then you should seek a professional attorney’s skill and services to