The Florida Move-Over Law: Saving Lives On St. Petersburg Streets

For construction workers, emergency services personnel, law enforcement, and occupants of disabled vehicles being so close to fast-moving traffic can be deadly-dangerous. Just one driver is distracted at the wrong time, and the results can be catastrophic.
In an effort to protect the lives of people who for one reason or another are alongside the road, the Florida legislature has passed the Move Over Law.
As an auto accident attorney serving the St. Petersburg community, Michael Babboni is committed to the safety of our community including spreading awareness about important traffic laws. By explaining what the Move Over Law entails and how it contributes to road safety, he hopes to instill safer driving habits among St. Petersburg residents.
Understanding Florida's Move-Over Law
The Move Over Law, implemented statewide, aims to safeguard our city's first responders - police officers, firefighters, tow truck drivers, and roadside assistance personnel. As per the law, drivers are required to move over a lane when they see an emergency vehicle or tow truck parked on the side of the road.
If shifting lanes is not possible due to heavy traffic or a second lane's absence, as may be the case on parts of MLK Jr Street N, drivers must slow down to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
This law is not merely a guideline; it's a legal obligation with penalties for non-compliance, including fines, points on your license, and increased insurance rates.
Why the Move Over Law Matters in St. Petersburg
Our city is famous for its vibrant downtown and beautiful waterfront areas, and of course, the St Pete Pier, also sees a fair share of roadside incidents. Maybe more than our fair share, especially at intersections like 66th Street N and 38th Avenue N. In busy accident-prone intersections, the Move Over Law becomes particularly critical.
When emergency services are on the scene responding to an accident or fire, their focus should be on resolving the emergency at hand —not the fear of a passing vehicle striking them. This law helps give EMS technicians the necessary space to perform their duties efficiently and safely.
By following the Move Over Law, we can significantly minimize the risk of collision-related injuries or fatalities involving roadside emergency workers. It's not just about avoiding legal penalties; it's about acknowledging and respecting the safety of those who put their lives on the line for us every day.
Adopting the Move Over Law in Your Driving Routine
When on the road on St. Petersburg's streets, whether you're heading towards Tyrone Boulevard or driving down the stretch of 22nd Avenue S, and having to slow down 20mph, or change lanes can be an inconvenience - but it can also save lives.
The St Pete Lawyer Michael Babboni urges every St. Petersburg driver to be aware of the Move Over Law And how easy it is for all of us to help keep our community safer. As an experienced auto accident attorney, Attorney Michael Babboni knows all too well the devastating consequences of traffic accidents - even worse if you have been struck while outside your vehicle. Remember, the simple act of moving over or slowing down can save lives—it could be a first responder today, but tomorrow, it could be someone you know.
As residents of St. Petersburg, we share the responsibility of keeping our streets safe. By understanding and adhering to the Move Over Law, we can ensure a safer environment for our city's invaluable first responders.
If you have been hurt by a driver who has failed to move over you have a right to compensation. Contact experienced Car Accident Lawyer Michael Babboni today for your free case review.