
Semi-Trucks and Collisions: What You Need to Know

When so many vehicles share the roadways, accidents are inevitable. Even the most experienced truck drivers may find themselves unwilling participants in a highway collision, and it could be due to the carelessness of another driver.

Semi-truck accidents can cause significant damage, serious injuries, and even death. The legal weight for a semi is 80,000 pounds, so when you compare that weight to that of an average car on the highway, you can see that the odds aren't good. Semi-trucks, due to their size, are also a lot harder to stop in an instant. They require a far greater distance to stop safely than a car. Even with the specialized training semi-truck drivers get, accidents still happen.

What to Do Following a Collision

If you were involved in a collision with a semi-truck, there are a few things you should know. First, you should never leave the scene of an accident. Wait until the police have arrived and have cleared you to leave. This is especially true if the accident involved any injuries or extensive damage. You have to report the accident.

If you sustain injuries, wait for responders to assist you. You want to avoid worsening your injuries or even sustaining new ones. If you aren't injured, then move your car off the road to a safe area if possible and wait to file your accident report with the police.

Next, you will exchange information. You should also never admit fault to anyone other than your insurance provider. You will need to make sure to obtain the name, phone number, and address of the other driver. You will also want to make sure to collect the details regarding the owner of the truck and the company the driver is employed through.

Make a note of the location of the accident, take photographs if possible, and then collect the insurance information from the other driver. You will also get a copy of the police report that you can submit to the insurance company.

Property Damage Valuation

If you are involved in a semi-truck collision, then there is almost certainly some damage that needs to be dealt with. The insurance company will send someone to evaluate the vehicle and write a damage valuation. If you are not happy with what they come back with, you can obtain quotes from a few others to compare.

Common Causes of Semi-Truck Collisions

One of the most common causes of these types of accidents is when the vehicles are merging. When a semi is attempting to merge, they may not notice a smaller vehicle in a parallel lane. They may also fail to leave enough room between themselves and the other vehicle. In these cases, when the truck is the one merging, and a collision occurs, the result can be catastrophic because of the large size of the truck compared to the smaller vehicle.

Not paying attention and missing something in a blind spot is another common cause for these types of accidents. Visibility isn't as good in a semi-truck as it is in a smaller vehicle, so you should always be aware of what is going on around you and pay close attention to the semi-trucks changing lanes, merging, or stopping.

An experienced attorney can also help you navigate the choppy waters you often meet when dealing with insurance adjusters as well. They can handle all the fine details of the investigation and can make sure that all the paperwork that is needed is filed correctly and on time. It takes stress off your shoulders which is especially helpful if you are at home recovering from your injuries.

Accidents involving semi-trucks and other commercial trucks can be devastating, so it is important to make sure that you follow each step closely and carefully to make sure you are fairly compensated for your injuries and the damages.