
Personal Injury Demand Letters

A personal injury demand letter is a letter notifying a party that you are seeking damages related to an injury. The personal injury demand letter is what starts the process of negotiation in the pursuit of a potential settlement.

Today, we will go over some of the basics of personal injury demand letters and what you need to know.

Writing Your Letter

If you are filing a personal injury claim following an accident, then a demand letter is a good way to put everything together and introduce your initial demands to the at-fault party's insurance company. There are demand letters for all different types of accidents, including car accidents, slip and falls on commercial property, slip and fall stair accidents, accidents caused by employees, and more.

What to Include

When writing your letter, you also want to enclose copies of any documentation you have to support your claim. Some important evidence for your claim may include medical bills and records, wage verification, police or incident reports, witness statements, and photographs.

More Letter Tips

Also, when writing your letter, make sure to check for grammar mistakes, especially when it comes to the names and addresses you are mentioning in the letter. Always use high-quality white bond paper and sign your full name in black or blue ink only.

Your completed personal injury demand letter packet may include up to 30 pages, so you will also need to have a letter-sized envelope to send the information without folding any of the pages. When sending your letter, make sure it is sent through USPS certified mail and always request a return receipt.

Letter Format

When you write your demand letter, you want to make sure that you explain who you are and how you were injured in detail. You also need to discuss the damages sustained as a result of the accident, who should pay for the damages, and how much money you are seeking (or demanding) in compensation for those injuries.

Letter Heading

The heading is where you include the information about yourself, including who you are, the claim, and the reasoning behind your letter.

Presentation of Facts

In the body of the letter, you will lay out clear and concise facts and details and explain the events that led up to your injuries. This should be a clear-cut step-by-step detailed account. Also, try to use approximate language instead of exact.

For example, instead of saying 4 pm, say about 4 pm when discussing the time. You want to do this to help avoid the insurance company coming back and saying you lied about the time.

Description of Damages

Now you want to account for all your damages, and you need to include tangible evidence in this section as well, like your medical bills, lost wage statements, and receipts. Include very specific details about your damages, use descriptive language, and emphasize any pain, suffering, and emotional distress you are experiencing as a result of the accident and your injuries.

Seek the Help of an Attorney

It never hurts to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney. They can help you write your demand letter and will help ensure you have included all the vital information you need to include. Your lawyer can also help determine the amount of compensation you should demand, and they can make sure you receive a fair settlement.

Never settle for less compensation than you truly deserve for your injuries and losses. Remember, most initial consultations are free with experienced attorneys, so it won't cost you anything to see if you have a case and find out how they can help you along the way.