
Help! The Other Driver Is Falsely Claiming Injury

There are very few things as stressful as getting into a car accident. It can cause serious injury, destroy your property, and disrupt your normal life. Accidents are even further complicated when it comes time to deal with the insurance companies. It’s challenging enough to prove your damages and settle a claim. However, when the other driver is lying about their injuries it can be even more stressful.

Why Do People Lie?

Although getting a payout from an insurance company is really a challenging process, sometimes settlements can be very large. People understand that they can receive a financial windfall if their injuries are severe enough.

Sometimes people try to take advantage of the laws designed to protect legitimate victims. They will fake injuries they don’t have, overstate how bad their injuries are, or even claim the injuries have caused them to miss out on lucrative opportunities. In these cases, if they are caught, they are in violation of Florida state law and may receive both criminal and civil charges.

How Lying Can Impact Your Settlement

There are several ways that the other driver lying about their injuries can impact your case. First, Florida uses a system of comparative fault to determine pay. So if someone is lying about the accident and their injuries, it could impact who the courts determine is at fault.

As a result, it will impact the settlement amount that you rightfully deserve for your injuries. Their lies also create more work for you and your attorney, because not only will you have to prove what did happen, you’ll also have to prove what didn’t happen. This can extend the length of your case, creating more financial stress if you are injured.

Furthermore, if they are believed, the costs of their injuries could impact your insurance premium, increasing your monthly rates. No matter the case, it could cost you money.

What To Do If The Other Driver Is Lying

Most of the time when people are lying, we know it in our gut. However, you have to prove to the courts with substantial evidence. This is where your attorney can be of help. If you believe the other driver is lying, tell them. Auto accident attorneys have a number of tools and experts who can help you investigate the details of the crash and uncover the truth about what happened. Usually, this will happen during discovery. Your attorney will review the police report, their injury records, and may even work with a private investigator to help prove they are lying.

Proving The Other Party Is Lying

There are a lot of ways to prove the other driver is lying. For example, if they are stating they have a serious back injury and can no longer work. They are asking for a large settlement to not only cover the costs of the injury but their lost wages. Your attorney can dig into their medical records and work history. They will look to find any inconsistencies in the story and evidence to support their claims are false. If they are found lying, they will be in big trouble with the law. Proving they are lying will also help with your case. It will make them lose all credibility which will help you get the full and fair settlement you are owed under the law.

If you think the other person is lying, the best thing you can do is work with a qualified attorney. Michael Babboni, The St. Pete Lawyer, has 27 years of experience helping accident injury victims in St. Petersburg. He’s investigated, collected evidence, and proved when other drivers are lying on hundreds of cases. He can help you.