
Do You Drive A Porche In St. Petersburg?

According to census.gov, the population of St. Petersburg was estimated to be 265,351 as of July 1, 2019. That is quite a bit, and many of those people were and are drivers. With so many motorists in one location and others just passing through, it is not uncommon for collisions to occur on our streets. They leave participants with all sorts of injuries and ailments, like...

• Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Paralysis
• Fractures/Broken Bones
• Amputations

When a person is deemed negligent, and at fault, their insurance policy is supposed to take care of the other party's damages. However, when it comes time for individuals to get paid, adjusters haggle, argue, and only offer low-ball settlements. These companies also deny claims entirely and pay victims nothing. Those are the last things anybody needs when they're hurt and probably out of work too.

Yet, people face these challenges every day. St. Petersburg drivers don't have to, though. They can pay the St. Petersburg Lawyer a visit for a free consultation and see where their claims stand. If the case is accepted, he will build a strong case that proves negligence occurred and fight for the settlement you deserve. The two sides may reach an agreement out of court, but if not, your lawsuit will be organized and prepared to go to trial.

What If A Recalled Vehicle Causes Your Crash?

Sometimes, vehicles themselves can have issues that cause accidents. When that happens, recalls are issued to get them off the streets and fixed. However, the owners of the vehicles don't always get informed about the problems. When that occurs and a driver does not have prior knowledge of the situation, they may be able to seek compensation from the manufacturer.

Those that get into accidents and sustain injuries before a recall is issued can do the same. Why are we telling you this? Well, we're glad you asked. The reason is that a recall was supposed to be issued on May 23, 2021, and it could put Porche owners and drivers in danger. Hence, if you've been in an accident recently, perhaps this issue is to blame.

Recall Number AMA6

The cars involved in this recall are the 2019 Porche 911 Speedsters and 2020 Porche 911 Carrera S Coupes, Carrera S Cabriolets, and Carrera 4S Coupes. These vehicles have screw connections on the rear upper control arms that could be loose. If so, they might fail and lead to driving instability, which can cause crashes. Products are supposed to be safe for consumers to use before they hit the open market. When they aren't, manufacturers are responsible for the harm they cause.

These organizations have legal teams on retainers that are waiting to discredit claims, though. In other words, they will go above and beyond to pay you the smallest amount possible, that is, if they give you anything at all. Make sure you get what you're entitled to by putting the St. Pete Lawyer in your corner. He has the experience, and the means, to go toe to toe with manufacturers and their legal teams. Contact the office to schedule your free case review today.

We want to see you safe, so if you're driving one of the Porche vehicles discussed here, please, get it checked. Hopefully, that will prevent you from getting into an accident, but if not, and you wind up needing legal representation, just know that the St. Pete Lawyer is here to help.