
Determining if Your Work Environment is Safe

Having a safe work environment is a vital component of our everyday lives and is not something we should take lightly because we spend a good majority of our time in a workplace environment. Safety programs should be put in place in every work environment, and everyone should be aware of the safety practices and guidelines that they must acknowledge and adhere to in order to ensure a safe work environment for everyone.

What Constitutes a Safe Work Environment?

When trying to determine if you are being exposed to a safe work environment, there are a few things you should take into consideration. Does your employer offer a safety and health system for the business? A safety program should be put in place to help ensure that processes are being put in place to help improve the safety of the work environment.

Other standards you should be aware of when deciding if you are working in a safe environment include the presence of hazardous chemicals or other substances, as well as noise, that you are being exposed to. Are there safety practices currently in place to address the disposal and handling of these substances and is proper gear being offered to help limit any detrimental effects the excessive noise may cause?

Building a Safe Work Environment

As a business, your employer tends to focus on the jobs that need to be done as well as the day to day priorities. However, safety should not be an overlooked topic in the workplace, and they need to be committed to making it the safest environment it can be.

The commitment of management and other higher personnel is critically important when it comes to maintaining workplace safety and protocols. Without this support, the policies may not be followed or enforced, and the failure to do so may result in a workplace injury.

Employee involvement is also essential because everyone needs to be aware of the rules and guidelines that are being put in place to protect them. If you work with heavy machinery, for example, it is your job to know how to properly and safely handle the machines, and you should possess the knowledge and experience that is needed to do the job correctly.

The previous point leads us to ensure that all employees are receiving adequate training while on the job to help ensure their safety as well. Training employees regarding safe working procedures are essential to a safe environment.

How to Protect Yourself from Unsafe Working Conditions

There are federal and state laws that are in place to ensure that an employer is providing and maintaining a safe work environment for their employees. If you feel that you are being subjected to unsafe working conditions, then it is your responsibility to report any violations you are witness to.

All violations can be reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and they will act upon and investigate any and all claims regarding unsafe working conditions that have been reported.

OSHA is in place to help prevent one-time injuries, illnesses caused by unsafe working conditions, and recognizing hazards that can potentially result in death or other serious injury. Employers are responsible for providing their employees with a safe working environment, and they should also post an OSHA safety notice somewhere within the workplace where it is visible to all employees.

If you feel that you are being subjected to unsafe working conditions and these conditions have resulted in a workplace injury, you can contact a personal injury attorney to help you with your case.