
Dangerous Road Accidents: What You Should Know

Are you aware that an estimated 2.3 million people are involved in car accidents each year? Unfortunately, many of the fatalities related to these accidents were the result of dangerous roads.
A dangerous or unsafe road can cause several driving hazards. We will cover these and everything else you need to know about dangerous road accidents below.


One of the most common dangerous road conditions we may encounter are potholes or an uneven road surface. While a pothole may appear harmless at a glance, the hole in the road and the loose gravel can cause damage to your vehicle, bicycle, or motorcycle. It can also cause you to lose control. Therefore, these roads are considered a hazard and should be fixed as soon as possible.

Bad Design

Another dangerous road condition is a badly designed road. This can include a shoulder drop-off, a shorter than normal merging lane, and slopes that can create unsafe road conditions for drivers. Proper signage should also be displayed on these roadways, warning of the impending danger, or it can result in a case of negligence.

No Road Maintenance

If you are driving on the road with broken guardrails, traffic lights that are no longer working, lane markers you can't visibly see anymore, or signage you can't read, these are dangerous road issues that can result in an accident. Roadways must be regularly maintained to catch these problems before they become dangerous for motorists and even pedestrians.

Safety Failures

If you have noticed a higher number of pedestrian and motor vehicle accidents in one spot, then the cause of these accidents may likely be traced back to the lack of safety protections, including a crosswalk or signage or decreased visibility in the area.

Construction Negligence

Finally, dangerous road conditions can be created due to construction negligence when road work is being done. If the company fails to follow through with the proper plans or doesn't use the necessary or proper materials, these are problems that can result in accidents down the line.

Can I Sue for Dangerous Road Conditions?

In some cases, you may be able to sue for dangerous road conditions. This is because the government has an obligation to act reasonably when it comes to taking care of dangerous road conditions.

However, when there are budget constraints, some of the necessary work on the roadways may become less of a priority for some. However, this often leads to government tort claims because of dangerous road injuries that have occurred.

How to Prove Fault

So, how do you prove fault when the accident was the result of dangerous road conditions? These cases can almost always prove to be complex and hard to navigate. You must be the one to show proof that someone acted negligently and that negligence is what directly resulted in the dangerous road conditions that caused the accident.

Sometimes you may also have to prove that the agency knew about the unsafe conditions and still failed to address the problems. No matter what, you will find it is in your best interests to discuss the case with an experienced personal injury attorney.

An attorney can walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have. They can also help you find the proof needed to prove negligence and prove that the government agency in question was responsible for the road maintenance and upkeep and should be held responsible for the dangerous road conditions.