
Personal Injury Law Articles

florida-law-has-embraced-self-driving-cars Michael Babboni Dec/02/2015 Michael Babboni

Florida Law Has Embraced Self-Driving Cars

It may seem like part of the far flung future with jet packs and Mars colonies, but the technology for self-driving cars already exists. They are already on the road, being tested in some parts of America, and some estimates put the first self-drivin...

when-are-enough-warnings-enough Michael Babboni Nov/25/2015 Michael Babboni

When Are Enough Warnings Enough?

One of the classic examples which people will point to as an example of liability law going too far are the supposedly obvious warnings which companies seem to attach to anything even remotely dangerous. A coffee mug will bear the sign “WARNING: HOT,...

the-costly-road-to-recovery Michael Babboni Nov/19/2015 Michael Babboni

The Costly Road To Recovery

Recovering from a severe injury is not a simple thing. A broken bone can take weeks to mend, and in the meantime your arm or your leg has to be completely immobile. A deep cut can cost you a lot of blood, and depending on what got cut you may never r...

workplace-injuries-when-to-go-to-court Michael Babboni Nov/09/2015 Michael Babboni

Workplace Injuries: When To Go To Court

Accidents can happen anywhere , even at work. However, when they do you might be able to seek financial compensation for your injuries. So how do you know when or if you can seek financial compensation for your injuries? It all depends on whether y...

understanding-paralysis Michael Babboni Nov/05/2015 Michael Babboni

Understanding Paralysis

Paralysis is a condition where the muscles have lost their capacity to function in a part of the body making it immobile. However, the muscle itself is not responsible for the paralysis. Our muscles are controlled by the nervous system, including the...

the-most-common-types-of-neck-injuries Michael Babboni Nov/03/2015 Michael Babboni

The Most Common Types Of Neck Injuries

Neck injuries, also known as cervical spine injuries, come in a large variety. They can range from mild to severe and even life threatening. Most often, damage from a neck injury is limited to the soft tissue. However, nearly every type of cervical s...

wrongful-death-suits-the-hardest-lawsuit-to-file Michael Babboni Oct/29/2015 Michael Babboni

Wrongful Death Suits: The Hardest Lawsuit To File

It can be very hard to deal with how bureaucratic death is these days. When a loved one dies, you have to plan out a funeral or a memorial within a matter of days, you have to read the will and settle the estate, you’ve got to deal with the death cer...

the-dangers-of-pesticides Michael Babboni Oct/27/2015 Michael Babboni

The Dangers Of Pesticides

In early 2015, the World Health Organization issued a report which claimed that Monsanto’s flagship herbicide, Roundup, may cause lymphoma and other cancers in humans. In response, two US agricultural workers have launched personal injury lawsuits ag...

pedestrians-use-the-road-too Michael Babboni Oct/26/2015 Michael Babboni

Pedestrians Use The Road, Too

In most areas of the United States, pedestrians have the right of way even when they aren’t crossing the road at a marked crosswalk. The reason for this is fairly obvious: even if a pedestrian is disobeying the law, the vehicle occupants aren’t the o...

ignorance-is-not-always-an-excuse Michael Babboni Oct/22/2015 Michael Babboni

Ignorance Is Not Always An Excuse

“I didn’t know.” Sometimes that statement will get you somewhere in court, but other times it’ll get you no sympathy whatsoever. It all depends on whether your ignorance qualifies as negligence or whether it means you’re just plain unlucky. Harm Thro...

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