
6 Examples of Defective Products

A defective product is one that causes injury to a person due to faulty labeling, a design defect, or issues during the manufacturing process. Below, we will share 6 examples of defective products.

Defective Batteries

You can find batteries in just about every household, including lithium-ion batteries that are rechargeable and store a lot of energy. However, these batteries are also prone to overheating and can explode. This can put you at immense risk of serious injury. If you have used defective batteries and sustained injuries, you may be able to hold the manufacturer or vendor liable for those injuries.

Defective Household Chemicals and Cosmetics

Household chemicals and even cosmetics can also be the target of consumer lawsuits if they happen to injure someone. However, with this type of claim, the consumer must provide concrete evidence that the manufacturer or vendor of the defective product had prior knowledge of side effects associated with their products.

Defective Tires

Defective tires can also be included on our list of defective products when the tires are deemed unsafe. It may be due to a defective design or a problem during the manufacturing process. An automobile manufacturer is responsible for a product that can guarantee the safety of the driver, passengers, and pedestrians.
In a product liability suit, the manufacturers of the vehicle's components as well as the automobile manufacturer can be found at fault.

Defective Recreational Products

A recreational product is simply one used for entertainment purposes. This can be anything from board games to an amusement park ride. The manufacturer and the vendor are responsible for inspecting the products before use and issuing safety warnings to the public about possible risks.

Defective Machinery

If you were to use faulty machinery, it could result in serious injury. If the injuries were, in fact, caused by a defect in the product you are using and there was a failure to provide notice about the risks of using the product, then the manufacturer or vendor can be held liable.

In the case of machinery and tools, the manufacturer must explain the potential dangers of misusing the product.

Under this category, you can find defective workplace machinery like punch presses, nail guns, and construction equipment. Proper training is also required when working with machinery and tools to help prevent injury.

Food Defects

Yes, food and beverages can also find their way onto a defective products list, facing recalls. All mass-produced food and beverages might be subject to product liability suits if the products were contaminated and caused food poisoning or other illnesses.
In these cases, there may have been an issue regarding sanitary standards or pesticide restrictions. Negligence again will have to be proven in this case as well.

Next Steps

If someone you know or even yourself has been injured due to a faulty product, you need to show proof that the product is what caused the injuries. Always keep the defective product, document everything, and hire an attorney before you file the claim.

These claims can be complex, and having a knowledgeable personal injury attorney on your side can make a big difference in the outcome of your claim.

You must prove that you were using the product correctly and intended at the time of the incident, show that it was defective, prove your injuries, and show how the product caused you harm. Your attorney can walk you through each step of the process and help you gather the evidence you need to prove your defective product claim.