
The Basics Of Rear-End Car Accidents

According to the National Safety Council, each year there are around 6 million car accidents. Furthermore, rear-end car accidents make up for 2.5 million of those accidents. With these accidents being so common, we thought you should know some of the basics of rear-end car accidents.

Common Causes Of Rear-End Car Accidents

  • Tailgating – No one enjoys tailgating. You are probably annoyed with their slow driving and they in turn are unhappy having someone right on their bumper. Anger aside, it is all too easy for them to stop without you have the time or distance needed to stop correctly as well.

  • Driver inattention – Distractions such as eating, using your cell phone, conversing with passengers, checking on children in the back seat, and several other activities can easily cause your focus to distract you from your surroundings.

  • Driver intoxication – Alcohol significantly compromises a driver’s reflexes, especially when they are drunk. This driver in question would not be able to properly judge distances and may even end up falling asleep at the wheel.

  • Weather conditions – Fog, rain, snow, ice, and high winds are all kinds of weather conditions that can affect a driver’s ability to see in front of them, to stop in time, or to keep their car within the lane.

  • Road defects – Things such as pot holes, bent stop signs, and non-working traffic signals can all contribute to a rear-end accident.

  • Children, animals, and other pedestrians – Animals in the road, soccer balls, children wandering into the street, and jaywalking pedestrians can all force a driver to have to stop unexpectedly.

  • Construction – The sudden appearance of flag-bearing construction workers or cement, and other commercial vehicles suddenly backing into traffic frequently cause unexpected stops.

  • Accidents – Sudden car accidents directly in the lane of traffic ahead can bring everyone to a quick, but unexpected stop.

Common Injuries You May Experience In A Rear-End Car Accident


“Whiplash” is often used to describe pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder area that occurs when the neck, shoulders, and spine suddenly and violently move well beyond normal range. According to the National Safety Council, 20 percent of all people involved in rear-end accidents experience “whiplash”.

Back Injuries

The force of impact, even when at slow speeds, may result in compression of your spine and the disks located in the lower back area of the spinal column. This is often referred to as “disk herniation”. This may result in excruciating pain and soreness and you should check with a doctor to ensure you receive any treatment that may be necessary for recovery.

Face Or Head Injuries

Most rear-end car accidents occur at speeds of less than 20 miles per hour. In a slow speed rear-end accident, your face run risk of your face smashing into the steering wheel. The force of impact may break your nose, fracture your cheek and jawbone.

Do You Need A Lawyer?

It depends on your injuries and the circumstances of your case. Regardless of your situation, it is always a good idea to get a free consultation with a lawyer, including us. This consultation will help both you and your lawyer understand whether you have a strong case. However, beforehand you should gather evidence to ensure that you end up getting the financial compensation for your damages or injuries.