
The Most Common Types Of Neck Injuries

Neck injuries, also known as cervical spine injuries, come in a large variety. They can range from mild to severe and even life threatening. Most often, damage from a neck injury is limited to the soft tissue. However, nearly every type of cervical spine injury will also affect the muscles surrounding the area as well. Though most injuries to the neck are mild, neck pain that lasts for longer than a week or that occur after an accident should be taken to medical professions.

Here are just a few of the neck injuries you should know about.

Crick In The Neck

A “crick” is a common term to refer to a pain felt when you wake up after sleeping with your neck in an awkward position. Though it may also come from working at your computer for long hours or from sudden movements of the neck. As painful as they may be, “cricks” are often not serious and can be easily cared for at home. However, this pain can sometimes be linked to a bigger problem. If the pain lasts longer than a week or occurs after an accident then you should seek medical attention.

Neck Sprain

Sprains are injuries to ligaments, strong bands of connective tissue that hold bones together. Often neck sprains can be caused by falls or sudden twists that overstretch or overload the joint. Though it can also occur after repeated stress to the joint as well. The symptoms can include pain, reduced flexibility and swelling. Neck sprains can be mild, moderate or severe. If it is minor, some ice to the area and a little rest should be all you need. However, if you suspect the sprain is severe you must seek medical attention immediately and avoid moving your neck and spine as much as possible.


Whiplash refers to a set of symptoms felt after an injury in which the head is roughly thrown backwards and forwards. This injury often occurs after a car accident, but can sometimes be caused by a fall, sports injury, or trauma. This can result in neck strain or sprain, but can also lead to damaged joints, discs, and even nerves. Even if you believe its minor, you should always seek medical attention after an accident. Whiplash and other injuries do not always show symptoms immediately and may appear a day or two after the injury.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when the soft substance inside the disc, known as nucleus pulposis, is pushed out. If this substance lands on a nerve root, which it often does, your likely to feel pain along with numbness, weakness, or the sensation of pins and needles down your arm.

Tears that occur in the though outer fibers of the disc may lead to a herniation and are caused by repeated or sudden forceful stress to the joint. For example, if your lifting a heavy load when your spine is twisted you may cause the disc to herniate. For both cases you should seek medical attention for your injuries.

Neck Fracture

A neck fracture is when there is a break in a cervical bone. This can be caused by a fall, trauma, or degenerative changes in the spine. The angle of the force at impact is often what determines the type and severity of the break itself. The most serious neck fractures are typically accompanied by a cervical dislocation. Often a neck collar is used to hold the neck in place during the healing though some damage may be permanent.

Cervical Dislocation

Cervical dislocation happens when a neck bone is moved out of its normal position which creates a spinal instability. This can be caused by an injury or degenerative changes that have disrupted the ligaments holding the vertebra in place. When this injury is brought on by trauma, it is often accompanied by a neck fracture. Mild dislocations can often go in place on their own with the help of a neck collar. However in the most severe cases, the bone is fully displaced forward, also known as jumping, and is locked in this position with the ligaments ruptured completely. This can damage your spinal cord and may require surgery.

Neck injuries can have a variety of causes, but if they are a result of a slip and fall or an accident you may be entitled to financial compensation. Don't hesitate to get the help you need! Contact us today for a free case review.